Jeremy Daw, J.D.
I have built a career out of bridging the spiritual and business worlds. After graduating with a J.D. from Harvard Law School, I authored six books, started two successful companies, worked as a strategy consultant in multiple industries, taught economics at Oaksterdam University and contributed to the campaign to legalize cannabis in California.
Simultaneously, I also followed my soul's deep spiritual yearnings: living at a residential zen center; devoting years of study to European witchcraft, trans-Himalayan esoterics and Tantra; initiating at Highden Temple in New Zealand. My passion and my soul calling is to channel Spirit in its many forms into the worlds of business and public life.
After years of research I finally encountered the perfect word for what I do: mystagogue.
Mystagogy is the ancient and recently recovered art of spiritual tutoring, or coaching, as we might call it today. At the ancient Mystery school in Eleusis, pilgrims who wished to prepare for the Greater Mysteries first worked one-on-one with a mystagogue who had already initiated into the same Mysteries and who guided their tutees along the path. Though they were not gurus or priests in their own right, these ancient mystagogues still served a valuable spiritual purpose by empowering pilgrims to become initiates.
In that same ancient tradition, today I guide modern pilgrims from my own experience along the path: helping them to discover their soul's purpose for incarnation and empowering them to bring it into full manifestation. Drawing on my education on the workings of the 3D world and combining it with my experience along the spiritual path, I can help any enterprising spirit bring the fullness of their soul's shine all the way down to Earth.