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Plutonium Partners

The Power of Plutonium

Now that you've found your soul's deepest calling, it's time to face the fear. Fear that you aren't (you'll never be) ready to express your soul shine in the world. Fear that the world itself isn't ready - that it will reject your inspiration before you can get it off the ground. And the greatest fear of all: the fear of the untapped power within you, untapped only because you fear so much to unleash it.


When you're ready for business as extraordinary, call on Plutonium Power.

White Sand and Stone

Who We Are

From Harvard Law School to Highden Mystery School, our partners bring a diverse and spiritually grounded perspective to your unique spiritual manifestation.

Rock Maze

What We Do

We offer complete strategy consulting and business coaching services, exclusively for soul projects. You bring the calling; we guide the landing.


Why We Do It

We advocate a soul economy revolution in which every person can discover their soul's purpose for incarnation, as well as learn radically empowering tools to bring that purpose into being.


Soul Empowerment

When you're finally finished soul-searching and you're ready to embody your soul's true purpose -- that's where we come in. Our mission is to guide your soul-awakened project to successful completion, so abundant soul culture may spread across the Earth in these urgent times.

Strategy Consulting

Do you dream of landing a temple? Or have you awakened to a special offering as your soul purpose, and you're not sure how to launch a sustainable business around it? Call on Plutonium power.Our partners are your trusted advisors to set your soul-inspired project on a firm footing. Let's start a conversation about manifesting your purpose, today!


Do you already have a business which embodies your soul purpose, and you want to maximize your positive impact? Our partners bring the experience you need to grasp important client insights, and to turn those insights into revenue.

Meet The Team

You only trust your soul's vision to partners who cherish it fully - heart, mind and soul. Our partners have all proven they can make powerful differences in the mundane world, while staying grounded in their spiritual callings.


Jeremy Daw, J.D.


After earning a juris doctor degree from Harvard Law School, Jeremy devoted many years to the campaign to legalize cannabis in the United States. After that campaign won significant victories he turned his focus to spiritual matters, studying Zen Buddhism, European witchcraft, Tantra and Trans-Himalayan esoterics. Finally he initiated at Highden Temple in New Zealand in 2021, where he discovered his soul calling to help transform people's spiritual relationship to money.


Aaron Mandelbaum, M.B.A.


Aaron has distinguished himself as much in the world of Tantra as he has in the world of business. As an apprentice facilitator for the International School of Temple Arts (ISTA), he has proven the strength of his spiritual commitment; through his online program Marketing for Spiritworkers, he empowers other soul-sensitive beings to find their ideal clients and establish their calling as a force in the world.

Written by Jeremy Daw

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